IELTS letter

Letter Sample #19 – Write to the editor to inform about wrong information

You recently read an article in the newspaper about someone you know personally. You found some information is wrong. Write…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #18 – Write to the local police station for a lost ID card

You are a student at a university in the UK. You have recently lost your university ID card. Write to…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #17 – You have decided to leave your current employment

You have decided to leave your current employment. Write a letter to your employer. Write a letter to your employer.…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #16 – You are unable to attend your friend’s birthday

Your friend is celebrating his/her Birthday soon and has invited you to a party. But you are unable to come…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #15 – You lent your favourite book to a friend

A year ago, you lent your favourite book to a friend who you thought would enjoy it. Unfortunately, your friend…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #14 – You have left a bag at the hotel

You have just spent a weekend staying at the Lilo Hotel in Adelaide. When you get home you find that…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #11 – You had been charged for items you did not purchase

You recently went shopping at the local supermarket. When you got home and noticed your bill, you found that you…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #10 – Letter to the restaurant manager about your disappointment with the meal

You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the…

19th November 2017

Letter Sample #8 – Letter to your landlord about the furniture

You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English speaking country. You are not satisfied with the…

16th November 2017

Letter Sample #7 – Letter to your neighbours about the noise from your house

Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your house flat. Write a letter to…

15th November 2017