Writing Task 2 Sample

Essay 407 – To study the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language

GT Writing Task 2 / Essay Sample # 407

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that when students study a foreign language, they should also study the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer: [View: Agreement]

Proficiency in a foreign language has become increasingly valuable in today’s interconnected world. Some argue that language learning should encompass the study of the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language, and I wholeheartedly agree with this viewpoint. In this essay, I will present arguments highlighting the interconnectedness of language and culture, and the benefits that arise from studying both aspects simultaneously.

Language and culture are inseparable entities, deeply intertwined and mutually influential. Language serves as a vessel for cultural expression, reflecting the values, traditions, and beliefs of a community. For instance, idiomatic expressions, proverbs, and specific vocabulary can provide insight into the cultural nuances and collective identity of a group of people. By studying a foreign language without delving into its associated culture, learners miss out on a comprehensive understanding of the language and limit their ability to effectively communicate and connect with native speakers.

Moreover, studying the culture and lifestyles of people who speak the language enhances communication skills and fosters empathy. Language is not solely a tool for exchanging information but also a means of building meaningful connections. When learners explore the cultural context surrounding a language, they gain a deeper appreciation for the customs, traditions, and social norms of its speakers. This knowledge allows for more effective communication, as learners can tailor their language use to the cultural expectations and sensitivities of native speakers.

In conclusion, studying a foreign language should not be confined to linguistic proficiency alone but should encompass the exploration of culture and lifestyles associated with the language. Language and culture are inherently interconnected, and by delving into both aspects, learners gain a comprehensive understanding of the language, enhance their communication skills, develop empathy, and foster cultural competence.

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