This test should not exceed 22 minutes.
Examiner: Hello. My name is Deepa Kumar and I will be your examiner today.
Phase 1a ( 🕑 3 minutes)
[The Examiner will ask Candidate A and Candidate B in turn questions about name and nationality. A candidate takes the test with another test taker and an examiner.]
Q. What’s your name?
Q. Can you spell it for me?
Q. Where do you come from?
Q. How long have you lived here?
Examiner: Thank you. Could I have your marksheets?
Examiner: Thank you.
Now you are going to ask each other some questions. I want you to find out from each other about another town or city you have visited and why you like it. You have two minutes to talk to each other.
🕑 Talk to each other for two minutes…
Prompt questions:
Q. Do you have a job at the moment? (Do you like it?) (Why?/Why not?)
Q. Which do you think is more important –doing work you enjoy or earning a lot of money? (Why?)
Q. Would you prefer a job working inside, for example in an office, or outside? (Why?)
Q. What would be the perfect job for you? (Why?)
Examiner: Thank you.
Phase 1b (🕑 7 minutes)
[In this part of the test, you are each going to talk for about one and a half minutes. While you are talking, your partner will listen to you. Your partner will then ask you two questions about what you have said.]
Examiner: Mahmud, you’re going to tell Priya about a good friend you’ve made and why he or she is such a good friend.
Priya, you’re going to tell Mahmud about what you like to do to relax and where you like to go.
You both have one minute to think about what you want to say. You can make notes if you want to. If there’s anything you don’t understand, please ask me.
🕑 One minute for preparation…
Examiner: Mahmud, are you ready? Please tell Priya about a good friend you’ve made and why he or she is such a good friend.
Priya, listen, and ask two questions at the end.
🕑 One and half a minutes…
Examiner: Thank you, Priya.
Examiner: Priya, please ask Mahmud your questions now.
Examiner: Thank you.
🕑 One and half a minutes…
Examiner: Priya, are you ready? Please tell Mahmud about what you like to do to relax and where you like to go.
Mahmud, listen, and ask two questions at the end.
🕑 One and half a minutes…
Examiner: Thank you, Mahmud.
Examiner: Mahmud, please ask Priya your questions now.
Examiner: Thank you.
Phase 2a (🕑 5 minutes)
Examiner: In this part of the test, you are going to listen to two recordings and answer some questions. You can make notes if you want to.
You hear two answerphone messages about events. What event is each message about? A day out, a party, or a concert?
Play the Recording & Listen to the information:
[You will listen to the recording only once.] Audio Copyright – Cambridge IELTS
What even is each message about?

Examiner: Mahmud, in the first recording, what event is the message about? A day out, a party, or a concert?
Mahmud: ………………..
Examiner: Thank you.
Examiner: Priya, in the second recording, what event is the message about? A day out, a party, or a concert?
Priya: ………………..
Examiner: Thank you.
Now listen again, and answer these questions.
Examiner: Priya, in the first recording, why can’t Daniela go on the trip? And why does Sally want to go to the park?
Priya: …………
Examiner: Mahmud, in the second recording, why are the tickets good? And where does he want to meet?
Mahmud: …………
Examiner: Thank you.
[At the end of the recording the examiner will ask each candidate, in turn, their two questions again. After each question, he/she will wait for the candidate’s response.]
Phase 2b (🕑 7 minutes overall)
[🕑 3 minutes for this part…]
Examiner: Now you’re going to plan something together.
Examiner: I’d like you to imagine that a friend is visiting from another country and would like to spend the day with you.
First, talk together about what you should do with your friend and choose the one you think would be best.
Then plan and decide what to do about these things.
Examiner: You have two minutes to talk about this, so don’t worry if I interrupt you.
Examiner: Would you like to start now?
Examiner: Thank you.
[🕑 4 minutes for this part…]
Now we’re going to talk together about free time activities. Find out from each other what you used to do in your free time when you were younger and what you do now.
[The examiner might prompt candidates with questions from the box below if they are experiencing difficulty in continuing the interaction or if they stray from the topic. He/she may also encourage candidates’ interaction by eliciting agreement or alternative opinions from candidates by asking questions such as “What do you think?”, “Tell us what you think.”, “And you?”]
Free time activities –prompt questions
Q. What activities can you do here/in …………….. (candidate’s town/city) that are free?
Q. Are there any new activities/hobbies you would like to start? Why?
Q. Should free time activities be very different from your work/study? (Why/why not)?
Q. Would you rather spend your free time alone, with friends or meeting new people? Why?
Q. How do you feel about watching television or playing computer games in your free time?
Examiner: Thank you. That is the end of the test.
Answer Section:
Phase 2a:
What event is each message about?
Script 1: a day out
Script 2: a concert
Q. Why can’t Daniela go on the trip? Answer: she’s going to the dentist.
Q. Why does Sally want to go to the park? Answer: she loves the café.
Q. Why are the tickets good? Answer: (they’re) (on the) front row/(they) can see the band.
Q. Where does he want to meet? Answer: at the ticket office.
📻 Listening script 1:
Hello. It’s Daniela. I’m just ringing about next Friday. I was going to go, but I can’t now because I’m going to the dentist. Would you be able to take Sally with you? She’ll be good company for your daughter as they seem to get on really well, don’t they? They certainly did at the celebration for Ben’s birthday last week! Do you know where you’re going yet? I heard it was either the beach or the park. Sally hopes it’s the park because she loves the little café near the swimming pool. As the coach leaves the school at 9.00, I could drop Sally off at your house at, say, 8.30 if you want. Anyway, let me know what you think.
📻 Listening script 2:
Hi. It’s Tim. I’m calling about Thursday. I had to cancel my trip to London and queue for four hours to get the tickets. But the great thing is… I got front row seats. They were a bit more expensive, but at least we’ll be able to see the band. Anyway, it’s at the Arena at 8.30. Let’s go for a coffee first, say at 7.45. The theatre is quite big and there’ll be lots of people outside, so I’ll wait for you at the ticket office instead. By the way, I’m bringing my brother Jack. He has all their CDs and is looking forward to seeing them live at last. See you then.
[That is the end of the answer section.]