GT Reading Mock Test 44: Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 |
GT Reading Test 44: Section # 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15-27, which are based on Reading Passage below.
Write answers to questions in boxes 15-27 on your answer sheet.
Read the text below and answer Questions 15-20.
Workplace health and safety considerations for plumbers
Like many trades, plumbing can be a dangerous job. It is important to take all reasonably practicable measure to keep customers and yourself incident and injury free.
Biohazard waste
Plumbers regularly come into contact with biohazard waste. It’s the nature of the job, but that doesn’t mean you should be complacent about it. According to Safe Work Australia, communicable diseases from work-related exposures to biological hazards such as sewage have been estimated to cause 320,000 deaths across the globe each year. In addition to this, plumbers are regularly exposed to other biohazards such as mould, bacteria and algae. Don’t risk it – make sure appropriate clothing and equipment is used.
Confined spaces
Plumbers may spend much of their time working in confined spaces, where they are at risk from contaminants, including airborne gases, vapours and dusts, that may cause injury from fire or explosion. They may also be exposed to high concentrations of airborne contaminants that may be harmful to health. For example, one plumber was fined $220,000 after an employee suffered from carbon-monoxide poisoning. Another potential hazard for plumbers in confined spaces is that of drowning, if water sources are not adequately cut off.
The Safe Work Australia confined spaces code of practice outlines the necessary steps and precautions for avoiding illness and injury.
The Master Plumbers’ Association calls electricity ‘plumbing’s hidden killer’. Metal pipes are often conductive and so gloves which provide insulation should form part of a plumber’s tool kit, as should a plumbing voltage monitor and a volt tester. Gloves should be checked prior to every use and replaced every 12 to 14 months. Electrical equipment like bridging conductors should be regularly checked, with appropriate tags on the equipment to verify its safety. The project should be stopped immediately if there is any sign of electricity, so that the power can be disconnected by a qualified electrician prior to continuing work.
Questions 15-20
Complete the table below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

Read the text below and answer Questions 21-27.
How to manage flexible working with your employees
There is no denying that flexible working has grown enormously in recent years. It does, however, require careful management.
When it comes to implementing flexible working one word is key: trust. All flexible workers should be trusted and given well-defined objectives from the start and their contribution should be assessed according to their output, as opposed to the time they spend on the job. It can be a big step to implement such as change in your business, so if you are slightly cautious then I recommend perhaps setting up an end-of-the-day review to see how much progress has been made. As all parties find their feet with the new set-up, this contact can slowly be reduced.
In my eyes, it is also vital that there is shared calendar access for everyone so that people can see where their colleagues are each day. This way if they need to catch up with someone they can plan when to do so. Technology now exists to enable employees to stay in touch with other members of staff and external partners. iMeet, for example, is a tool which allows all forms of collaboration for remote working, from video conferencing, live chat and file sharing to screen sharing. The new breed of worker is therefore fully equipped to work productively away from the office, and can still feel like they’re in the same room as others when necessary.
In my experience, employees are often more productive working at home as they can work the exact hours they want and do not have to cope with distraction caused by other employees. Being outside the confines of the office walls also appears to foster creativity. In addition, we find staff are more motivated as they have a better work-life balance. In terms of the business, we find this helps with top talent recruitment and staff retention, and a happy workforce is a more successful one.
Questions 21-27
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.
Flexible working
How to organise flexible working
● trust your employees
● provide them with clear 21 ………………………..
● base measurements of performance on their output
● initially, have a 22 ……………………….. of progress each day
● make sure a 23 ……………………….. is accessible to give details of colleague locations.
● use a program such as iMeet to encourage different types of 24 ……………………….. between workers
Benefits of flexibility
● greater productivity
● less 25 ……………………….. from colleagues
● increase in 26 ………………………..
● more motivated staff
● greater success for the company with staff recruitment and 27 ………………………..
GT Reading Mock Test 44: Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 |
Workplace health and safety for plumbers & How to manage flexible working employees: Reading Answers