Essay 425 – Many adults today still cannot read or write

GT Writing Task 2 / Essay Sample # 425

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Despite better access to education, many adults today still cannot read or write.

In what ways are they disadvantaged due to their illiteracy?
What can governments do to help them?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Despite free-education offerings from the state, significant advancements in education and better literacy rates worldwide, many adults continue to face the challenge of illiteracy. This essay will explore the various ways in which adults are disadvantaged due to their inability to read or write and discuss potential government initiatives to assist them.

Illiteracy imposes severe limitations on individuals in their daily lives. Firstly, illiterate adults face significant challenges in accessing information. They are unable to read newspapers, books, or even basic written instructions, which hinders their ability to make informed decisions and stay updated on current affairs. Additionally, illiteracy can lead to limited employment opportunities, as many jobs require basic reading and writing skills. This often results in lower-paying jobs or unemployment, contributing to financial instability and perpetuating the cycle of poverty. In the digital age, illiterate individuals face further disadvantages. The widespread use of technology and the internet has transformed the way information is accessed and communicated. However, those who are unable to navigate digital platforms due to illiteracy are excluded from online resources, e-commerce, and digital communication tools.

Governments can play a crucial role in addressing adult illiteracy through targeted initiatives. Firstly, the state can invest in comprehensive adult literacy programmes that provide basic reading and writing skills to individuals who missed out on formal education. Furthermore, governments can promote adult literacy by creating supportive environments. This can be achieved through partnerships with NGOs, community organizations, and businesses to establish adult learning centres and vocational training programmes. These initiatives not only address the immediate literacy needs but also equip individuals with practical skills that enhance their economic prospects.

In conclusion, the disadvantages faced by illiterate adults are numerous and far-reaching. Their limited access to information reduced employment opportunities, and exclusion from the digital world hinder their personal, social, and economic development. However, through targeted government interventions, such as adult literacy programmes, vocational training, and community partnerships, the cycle of illiteracy can be broken.

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